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Non-repayable grant for art or agricultural activities

Non-repayable grant for art or agricultural activities

Which decree?

Information from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance

12 November 2021

Decree-Law No. 73, Law No. 106 of 23 July 2021

Who is it addressed to?

Persons carrying on a business activity of art or profession, or producing agricultural income.

Amount of contribution?

Non-repayable grant of up to €150,000.

Who is eligible?

VAT-registered persons, resident or established in Italy, who have recorded a deterioration in their economic result for the tax period from 31 December 2020 compared to 31 December 2019. The loss must be at least 30%.

How is the contribution determined?

For the purpose of determining the amount of the recognised contribution, each direct beneficiary may claim the difference between the operating result for the current tax period, less the amount of the non-repayable contributions recognised by the Revenue Agency, applying the following percentages:

    1. 30% for persons with revenues and remuneration not exceeding €100,000.
    2. 20% for persons with revenues and remuneration exceeding 100,000€ up to 400,000€.
    3. 10% for persons with revenues and remuneration exceeding €400,000 up to €1,000,000.
    4. 5% for persons with revenues and remuneration exceeding €1,000,000 up to €5,000,000.

Reporting requirements

In order to obtain the non-repayable grant, interested parties must have submitted their income tax return for the tax period ending 31 December 2020 by 30 September 2021. Any supplementary or corrective tax returns submitted after the deadline are not relevant for the determination of the contribution if the data results in a higher contribution amount than that resulting from the returns submitted by 30 September 2021.